Leaders translate promise into practice. Operational excellence isn’t something to be delegated, but to be driven right from the CEO’s desk.
Here’s how I drive real change in the day-to-day workings of an enterprise.
Having enough time & data to make a decision is a luxury every executive would like to have, yet in reality this is impossible. Interconnected issues, risk mitigation & people dynamics have to be considered when moving business forward, thus the dilemma? Do you trade speed for comprehensiveness? Can you have both & what is the right way to generate multiple options to consider?
Individuals & organizations only have a finite amount of capacity to absorb any number of initiatives, programs & changes at one time. Penetrate an emerging market, introduce a new product, trim costs, they are all important & the list is always growing. Often without intent, it is easy to get caught up in our personal & professional lives trying to take on too much at one time, thus the need to sequence.